This is a six-hour training aimed at providing an introduction to understanding Compulsive Gambling and Spending for the addictions professional.
Nurses, Counselors, and other interested Health Professionals
• This is a three hour training, aimed at preparing qualified CSAC candidates for addressing co-occurring gambling disorders
• In addition to a didactic presentation with PowerPoint and handouts, there will be an opportunity for questions and answers.
• This course directly relates to the domains of assessment, counseling, case management, client education, and professional responsibility, with a specific process addiction and substance abuse focus.
OBJECTIVES: (Behavioral Terminology)
Upon completion, the learner will be able to identify:
1. Evidence Based assessments for compulsive spending and gambling disorders
2. Comparison and contrast of gambling and spending disorders with substance use disorders
3. Types of gambling and spending disorders, along with relevant signs of impairment, withdrawal, health and social effects, and underlying neurobiology.
4. Evidence based strategies for recovery from gambling and spending disorders